Call for Submissions
We are calling leaders and innovators to share use cases and breakthroughs made possible using Knowledge Graphs, Graph Data Science and AI, Graph Databases and Semantic Technology.
The Connected Data platform provides a Community, Events, and Thought Leadership for those who use the Relationships, Meaning and Context in Data to achieve great things.
We've been Connecting Data, People & Ideas since 2016.
We focus on Knowledge Graphs, Graph Analytics / AI / Databases / Data Science and Semantic Technology.
Over the years, we have organized numerous events big and small, with our flagship London conference attracting thousands of attendees.
We have had the honor of hosting luminaries such as Gary Marcus, Gadi Singer, Kirell Benzi and Sir Nigel Shadbolt, as well as emerging speakers who went on to achieve great things.
We are happy to have helped pave the way for the widespread recognition these technologies are receiving today alongside our community. We are here to shape the next chapter.
Submissions are open across 4 areas:
Real world use cases and innovative approaches. Sessions presented live, with live streaming and post-event replays available. 25-minute presentations plus 10 minutes moderated Q&A. Abstract submission required.
Presentations on 3 tracks.
Nodes track. Focus on use cases, presentations with little technical details aimed primarily at a business audience.
Edges track. Focus on innovation, presentations with some technical details aimed at both business and technical audiences.
Educational track. Focus on applications, presentations with more technical details aimed primarily at a technical audience.
Masterclasses: Hands-on tutorial in which instructors teach attendees skills they can use in their daily work. 2-hour long sessions. Material can be split over more than one 2-hour long session. Detailed description submission required; template here.
Workshops: A panel of experts on a moderated conversation on a topic, engaging with the audience in a structured way. 2-hour long sessions. Detailed description submission required; template here.
Unconference: One or more moderators define a theme for an impromptu session, inviting participants to engage, contribute and shape a 2-hour long session. Abstract submission of ideas / themes required.
Important Dates
September 16, 2024 — Submission Deadline
October 7, 2024 — Notification of Acceptance
December 11, 2024 — Masterclass Day
December 12, 2024 — Conference, Presentations & Keynotes
December 13, 2021 — Workshops & Unconference Day
Free Admission
Presenters of accepted submissions get full access pass to the event free of charge.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to
Data Catalogs and Semantic Layers.
A comprehensive and well-governed inventory of data resources, along with a semantic layer that establishes shared relationships and context can accelerate data discovery, enable more effective use of data products, enhance analytics, and drive more informed decision-making.
Knowledge Graph Skills:
As the demand for Knowledge Graphs is growing, how can we ensure it is met? What are some good ways to train/upskill/certify people? Courses, resources, syllabi.
Choosing persistence strategies for Knowledge
Triple stores, Labeled Property Graphs, Virtualisation, or in-memory.
Theory and practice of ontology and schema
Choosing between / combining OWL, SHACL, upper ontologies, other data modeling approaches.
Abstracting graph data for humans:
Strategies for deciding what graph data to present/abstract for different audiences and visualization.
Using graphs in-stream:
Using graphs as a filter for streaming; streaming algorithms.
Reasoning and Neuro-symbolic AI:
Combining rule-based reasoning with machine learning is a promising direction for the future of AI.
Semantic SEO and Knowledge Graphs:
Google’s Things, not Strings is where the Knowledge Graph term was coined, and remains a very prominent application.
Graph analytics for blockchain applications:
Graph analytics is a natural match for Distributed Ledgers operating on top of interconnected meshes of nodes.
Pharma, Healthcare and Science
Finance and Banking
Manufacturing and Logistics
Media and Publishing
Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG)
Security/Cybersecurity; Intelligence and law enforcement
Other domains; e.g., Culture/Art, GeoSpatial data/Trajectories
Applications of Knowledge Graphs, Graph Analytics, Data Science and AI, Graph Databases and Semantic Technology in
GenAI / Large Language Models, Knowledge Graphs and Retrieval Augmented Generation.
With the reasoning power of knowledge graphs, the natural language prowess of LLMs, and the ability to dynamically retrieve and incorporate relevant information via RAG, organizations can develop systems that excel at complex tasks and provide explainable and trustworthy outputs.
Innovations in Knowledge Graphs, Graph Data Science and AI, Graph Databases and Semantic Technology combined with:
Natural Language Processing
Data Governance, Data Quality, Data Observability, Data Mesh, Data Fabric
Data Engineering and MLOps
Data visualization, Human-computer interaction (HCI), User interfaces and user experience (UI/UX)
Other topics
Knowledge Graph Development Lifecycle:
Managing the full lifecycle of building and maintaining graphs in product, including updates, data integration, provenance, versioning, and related practices borrowed from software engineering.
Graph engines vs databases:
When are graph persistence layers needed? How can graph analytics engines help, and where are they applicable?
Architecture for serving and accessing knowledge.
APIs, GraphQL, conversational interfaces, query languages and more.
Open Source Tooling:
Ontology and taxonomy editors, processing libraries, query browsers, graph databases and more.
Temporal and Geospatial graphs:
Strategies, libraries, and platforms for managing temporal and geospatial aspects of graphs.
Graph algorithms, optimization and distributed systems:
Techniques for fast execution of mission-critical algorithms. Algorithm parameters and tuning.
Personal Knowledge Management and Personal Knowledge Graphs:
The use of knowledge graph technology and practices in a personal context and capacity.
Graph-based hardware:
Innovative architectures to power the future of AI.
Our Commitment
We are committed to fostering a respectful environment, and we encourage learning and sharing in the broad community of people who attend and speak at our events. ​You can check our pledge, our standards and our responsibilities in our Code of Conduct.
Join the over 260+ speakers who have shared their work with 5000+ attendees in 230+ sessions and help shape the future of connected data. We meaningfully engage with and learn from our speakers.
If your submission is accepted, you will get:
Guidance to shape your talk
A free pass for the event and access to our Speaker Lounge
Discount codes for your network
Top minds participate in Connected Data London from the likes of Bayer, BBC, Facebook Research, Microsoft, Google, GSK, IBM, NASA, Thomson Reuters, Wolfram and Uber, as well as new entrants who go on to rock the world.
More information:
Key audience and event metrics and demographics.
History and previous events.
Program Committee
Evaluation Process
Proposals are evaluated by the program committee, which consists of leaders and innovators with strong industry and academic backgrounds.
We receive a large number of submissions, therefore it is not possible to accept all of them. We will prioritize submissions based on the following:
Concise description explaining:
The problem you are addressing, or the opportunity you are creating
Target audience, and what will the people who attend your talk get from it
Why this is important to our audience and the world at large
How you have addressed the problem, or created the opportunity
The impact of your work
Speaker profile providing:
Background and experience
Motivation for speaking at Connected Data London
References to previous talks, if available
Submission Form
We manage our submissions process via the following form. We kindly ask you to read the instructions and fill it in properly. If you need help, you can reach out at